How to Add Your Team Roster

How To add & Manage your Roster

1. Gather Your Team's Information

You will need each player's first and last name, DOB, parent/guardian email address, and unique jersey number.

Athlete email is not required for upload or submission but is a column in the template

CSV Template

2. find Your Team

Log into your PlayerFirst account to view and manage your TEAMS

3. Enter your roster

Select the + icon to add your roster.

When adding a roster for the first time, you will be prompted to agree to the Community Code of Conduct.

Type in each player's information, or import a CSV file. CSV TEMPLATE LINK

Add athletes by row, upload the roster using the CSV Template. or if you have previously saved a roster you can copy a prior team.


4. Save Roster

To Save your roster all required athlete and coach(es) information must be complete.

For Coaches - a cell phone for each coach is required and one coach must be designated as the Head Coach

5. Send waivers

Select recipients to email to all parents asking them to complete a waiver.

6. Manger your Roster & Waiver Status

You can manage waiver status, add players, and send reminders from your TEAM Page.

7. Finalize rosters

Once you have added your coach(es), finalized your players, and all have signed their waiver, Finalize your Roster.
Only waivered players listed on the final roster submission will be allowed to participate in the event.

Click MY TEAMS To Start your Roster